Category Archives: Grace

Easter: Consecration

Every day of Lent, we have cleared away things to make room for God.  Believe that this self-sacrifice has been and remains holy, and trust that God will fill your empty spaces with unimagined abundance.  ~Sarah Parsons

resurrection-morning-iisIf you’ve had a chance this week to keep watch in a sacred space in your home, I wish for you many more moments of rest and relaxation in the holy space you’ve cleared there.  As you read, pray and sit quietly with God, may you feel nourished and inspired to share the gift of peace with others. May the light, grace, hope, and JOY of Easter live in your hearts today and always.

We have been told.
We’ve seen his face
and heard his voice alive in our hearts.
“Live in my love with all your heart.
As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you.”

~ We Have Been Told, lyrics by David Haas

A person should always offer a prayer of graciousness for the love that has awakened in them. When you feel love for your beloved and his or her love for you, now and again you should offer the warmth of your love as a blessing for those who are damaged and unloved. Send that love out into the world to people who are desperate; to those who are starving; to those who are trapped in prison; in hospitals and all the brutal terrains of bleak and tormented lives. When you send that love out from the bountifulness of your own love, it reaches other people. This love is the deepest power of prayer.

~ John O’Donohue from Anam Cara

If you are making your way here for the first time, we have been working through a Lenten discussion of Sarah Parsons’ book A Clearing Season.

For related posts in this retreat sequence see:

Ash Wednesday | Lent: Exploring the Wilderness | Lent: First Clearing | Lent: Natural Rhythms | Lent: New Growth | Lent: Weathering Storms