“With That Moon Language” by Hafiz

Admit something:
Everyone you see, you say to them, "Love me."

Of course you do not do this out loud, otherwise
someone would call the cops.

Still, though, think about this, this great pull in us to connect.

Why not become the one who lives with a 
full moon in each eye that is
always saying,

with that sweet moon language,
what every other eye in 
this world is
dying to

from Love Poems from God. Published by Penguin Compass. Copyright © 2002 by Daniel Ladinsky, Ed.

Why not become the one who lives with a full moon in each eye? Can you think of a time recently when you spoke that sweet moon language? How often do you show love to others with what you say and do?  And . . . how often are these people strangers? Maybe as we move through the Lenten season this poem might help us remember to offer small acts of kindness throughout our day, and more importantly, to reflect with gratitude on those who have offered them to us.

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